Human rights and the system for their protection have been in place in Europe for many
decades, from the creation of the Council of Europe and the adoption of the Convention for
the Protection of Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in 1950 to the present day, although the
system has undoubtedly evolved as new states have joined it, international institutions have
been created and even the European Union has become involved and committed to the
promotion and protection of human rights.
Despite these guarantees and protections, human rights are among the most frequently
violated rights, both in non-democratic and democratic states, in developing countries and in
states considered highly developed and role models for others.
Human rights, ranked in so-called generations, cover all aspects of human life and state and
economic activity.
Europe and the world are in a so-called transitional era, with some talking about the end of
capitalism, others about the need to create a unipolar or multipolar world, the shaping of a
socially and ecologically responsible economic model, and so on. We are not sure what we
will be able to build, but we are convinced that we cannot allow human rights to be
disrespected, for only they provide an opportunity to maintain state stability and protect
against undesirable actions by both institutions and other individuals. Moreover, it is human
rights that shape the individual and allow him or her to develop properly.
We want the conference to have an interdisciplinary character. During it, we would like to
address the most relevant problems, both axiological and normative in nature. Our main
objective is to find solutions to enable, to a greater extent than before, the realisation of rights,
in particular from the so-called second and third generations. We want to discuss threats to the
functioning of human rights systems, proposals for new human rights and instruments
enabling their better protection and realisation (in particular in the field of economics and the
environment), as well as the status and perspectives for the further development of human
rights systems in Europe.
You are cordially invited to submit your own proposals, in particular proposals for panel